Get featured!

Our community’s work is inspiring, and we are eager to help it reach a wider audience.
We now offer three ways to feature stand-out project showcases!

LinkedIn Spotlight

Why LinkedIn? It's the go-to platform for business and tech professionals. Videos are key for engagement, and our page has over 5,400 followers eager for fresh content. We are delighted to craft dedicated posts featuring exciting projects.

YouTube Showcase

YouTube offers top-notch video quality and unparalleled visibility. With nearly 700 community videos, our channel is a premier hub for point cloud animations. We'll happily add your YouTube videos to our playlists for increased exposure. Just let us know!

Instagram Exposure

We love featuring our clients' standout projects and services on Instagram. Post compelling content about your projects, and we'll highlight it in our Instagram Stories, helping you reach new audiences. Simply DM or mention us, and we’ll be in touch!

Next Steps

For a LinkedIn spotlight:
Email us the download link(s) to your MP4s and background information about the project

For a YouTube showcase:
Email us the links to your YouTube video(s), and ensure they are NOT marked as “made for kids

For Instagram exposure:
Mention us (@nubigon_inc) in your posts or DM us on Instagram

Upon receipt, we will review the content and get back to you!